Recomendações/Web Mobile

New in Android

A quick look at the new patterns and styles you can use to build beautiful Android apps…

Bootstrap your next Android Application

Android Bootstrap includes a full working implementation of Fragments, Fragment Pager, Account Manager, android-maven-plugin, Dagger, ActionBarSherlock 4, ViewPagerIndicator, http-request, GSON, Robotium for integration testing, API Consumption with an API on and much more.

Android - Platform Versions

This page provides data about the relative number of active devices running a given version of the Android platform.

Obama’S Vs Romney's, Different Mobile Strategies For Their Official Websites

The US presidential race is heading into full swing, which means we’ll soon see the candidates intensely debate the country’s hot-button issues. While the candidates are busy battling it out, the Web design world is entrenched in its own debate about how to address the mobile Web: creating separate mobile websites versus creating responsive websites.

Design Responsivo por uma Web Única

Mobile cresce como nunca. Vende-se mais smartphones e tablets que computadores. A banda larga móvel cresce assustadoramente. Web não é mais sinônimo de desktops e notebooks. Novos meios de acesso, novos usuários, novos hábitos... como oferecer uma boa experiência na nova Web?

Mozilla Developer Network(Mdn)

We are an open community of developers building resources for a better web, regardless of brand, browser or platform. Anyone can contribute and each person who does makes us stronger. Together we can continue to drive innovation on the Web to serve the greater good. It starts here, with you.

Mobile Boilerplate

Mobile Boilerplate helps you create rich, performant, and modern mobile web apps. Kick-start your project with dozens of mobile optimizations and helpers.

Simultaneous Connections Browsers

Com ela podemos testar quantas conexões simultenas o browser suporte, Legal para explicar performace para web e a diminuição de request ao servidor.

GSM Arena is the ultimate resource for GSM handset information. This feed contains the latest articles (news and reviews) in chronological order.